Industries, especially the oil & gas, chemical, mining, and petrochemical industries eject an ample amount of wastes that are harmful to the environment.

What is the ZLD Solution?

Zero Liquid Discharge can be technically defined as the process of recovering water from a wastewater source that else gets discharged. The water obtained is reused and other components obtained from it are disposed of in a landfill.

Why is it Important?

With the rising concern for the scarcity of water, industries in many countries are mandating initiatives of reducing water discharge with recycling and reusing processes.

The lack of resources has set regulations by various countries to set ZLD. CentPro believes in saving the rivers and lakes from pollution by introducing ZLD methods to every industrial sector in order to ensure safe water supplies in the future.

Why Choose ZLD?

At CentPro, we are keen on stressing over water recycling and mitigating the waste produced. Our ZLD solution is achieved in the most efficient manner and is far more promising than other conventional ZLD practices. Our key features lie in